Ā Blog
[Dandy Rawhole. Photo credit: Sarah Malone]
In times of humanitarian crisis and in the face of war, one can feel utterly helpless. It’s easy to spiral down.
Having been an activist for the majority of my life (close to 40 years), starting with reading David Suzuki at age 8 and being...
Watching the faces of the audience as they witness King after King being fully self-expressed is the biggest reward at Drag Kingdom. I see facial expressions of awe, downright shock, and hope that the liberation being demonstrated on stage is possible for those watching. And it is.
The journey...
What do you get when you take 35 Drag Kings from the Kings of Joy community and give them a stage? As much fun as you can have with your clothes on…
Drag Kingdom is the largest Drag King show in the world. Held only twice a year in Sydney’s funky theatre, The Red Rattler, it brings...
**Special announcement**
Tickets are now on sale for Kings of Joy’s Pride edition of Drag Kingdom! With 30+ Drag Kings performing and 10% of all proceeds going to our LGBT refugee friends living in Block 13, Kakuma, Kenya this will be a night to remember.
Thurs 29 June -...
I have a confession. I secretly want to see what Drag Kings wear as sleepwear.
So when granted the opportunity for Kings of Joy to host a live stream viewing of the Sydney WorldPride Live & Proud Opening Ceremony my mind went straight to the bedroom. I thought, 'Why stay home and watch the...
queLGBTQIA+ Allies - get your questions answered
Bambuddha presents
16 Feb, 6 pm
The Working Kind Collective
Why does world pride matter?
Friends of mine live in one of the world’s largest refugee camps in the world, in Block 13, Kakuma, Kenya. They fled...

Hosted by Anthony Doick, LGBTI Conversations Podcast draws you deeper into the life story of someone you may, or may not, have heard about – someone who has seen and done amazing things within the LGBTI community for around the Globe.
In talking with Anthony, I share about growing up in a...
Whenever we gather together, it's powerful. Things happen that were not going to happen anyway. From new connections to standing ovations, at Drag Kingdom we celebrated the end of the year together as the Kings of Joy community.
From this one night, here's the impact we made:
- 30 Kings of Joy...
Drag Kingdom on 8 December brings together the Kings of Joy community in an end-of-year performance night that is the biggest Drag King event of the year. Topped only by our first Drag Kingdom in August. With 30 Drag Kings performing, it's a celebration of the uplifting community we are part of...
I'm a feminist, but... when Chris woke me from a deep sleep at 4 am whispering, "Deborah Frances-White said you too!", all I could muster was, "Jesus." All my body wanted to do was rest and fight off my flu symptoms. As I lay there, semi-conscious, hearing Chris start the shower, I had one...
Danica Lani 0:00
Hello, and welcome my friends. Welcome to my podcast. My name is Danica Lani. I am the King Coach, also known as Daddy Joy and Mother of Drag Kings. And today I am thrilled, absolutely over the moon to introduce you to Trans Mission.
Trans Mission 0:19
Hi. Thank you so much for...
A newly released song 'Joy' penned by one of our Kings of Joy, Bridget Harilaou aka Trans Mission, was written as a love letter to our LGBTQ+ friends living in one of the largest refugee camps in the world, in Block 13, Kakuma, Kenya. When you buy the song from Bandcamp,...