
When you’re feeling ‘meh’, get up to something queer relating Sep 28, 2021

If you’re feeling like the colour has gone out of life a little during this lockdown, you’re not alone. Adam Grant, an organizational psychologist talks about a useful middle ground between depression and flourishing recently in the NY Times. When you feel a little ‘meh’...

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The four pillars of human magnetism queer relating Sep 21, 2021

Do you feel good in your body? Are you 100% at home in your skin? Do you feel connected – with yourself, with others, and with something bigger than yourself? Can you recognise the gift you are to the world? These are the four pillars to developing your human magnetism.

What is human...

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Danica Lani
Lockdown fun online: Show Ponies shoutout on ABC Radio Sydney!
Lockdown fun online: Show Ponies shoutout on ABC Radio Sydney! kings of joy all-stars media show ponies Sep 14, 2021

[Listen at 1:43]

Costumes galore, sequins or binders, false eyelashes or beards, these are what friendships are made of. Beginning our Show Ponies and Kings of Joy All-Stars season from lockdown and rehearsing once a week online has become something to look forward to. Stepping into a Diva or...

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